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Finding Relevant Keywords For Your Business  

Whether you are building an online ads campaign or optimising your website for search engines, you need to know which keywords you are targeting. Finding the right keywords can save you money on click costs and inform what content should be on your website. In this article we’re going to cover some simple techniques you can use to find relevant keywords and how you can use those keywords in your PPC and SEO campaigns

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What Digital Marketing Includes In 2022

The past two years have seen a lot of upheaval, and people are living more of their lives online than ever before. This trend looks set to continue. With that in mind, it’s even more important for any business looking to succeed to have a well-managed online presence.   

Let’s take a look at current state of some of the online marketing channels available to businesses in 2022…  

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How Google Search Is Changing And How It Impacts Your Website

At its latest event, Google’s Senior Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan showed off some of the new features that the company is bringing to its search engine in the coming months. With Google currently maintaining a 92% market share of the web’s search engine traffic, if your business has a website, you need to be paying close attention whenever Google makes changes that impact how users find you online.

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5 Reasons Why SEO Is Important For Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimisation can seem daunting to those first hearing about it. For small businesses, it can seem impossible to gain traction on search engines. But today we’re going to show you 5 reasons that SEO is vital for any size business. There are even some ways in which small businesses actually have an advantage when it comes to SEO. SEO Is A Cost-Effective, Long-Term Marketing Strategy While other marketing methods like PPC ads campaigns have their place and are extremely effective at driving traffic to a website in the short term, SEO campaigns have a longer-term impact. With PPC, you have to pay...

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8 Reasons Why A Local SEO Strategy Matters

Google’s own data tells us that 46% of searches now contain some sort of ‘local intent’. This might be a phrase such as ‘best Italian restaurant near me’ or ‘electricians in Yorkshire’. Phrases like these suggest that the user is searching for specific, locative information about a service or product – this is distinct from a search like ‘best women’s shoes’ or ‘how to fix a broken plate’ which do not have ‘local intent’.