Paid Advertising

online paid advertising vs social media

Paid Search vs Social Media Ads: What’s Right for Your Business?

If you’re looking to start advertising your business online but have a limited amount of budget, you need to be selective about which advertising channels you’re going to invest in. Two of the most popular options are social media advertising and paid search advertising.

When it comes to PPC vs social media ads, there are a lot of factors to consider. In this article, we’re going to cover the key differences between the two methods and discuss why a business would choose one over the other.

white ladder reaching towards red and white target

Why You Should Use Your Competitors’ Names As PPC Keywords

Are you running Google Ads for your business? Displaying ads against searches on Google for your brand or the products and services you offer?  

Have you thought about using your competitors’ brand names as keywords as well? By bidding on your competitors’ names, you can appear at the top of searches for them, even if they rank #1 organically

hand using tablet to fill out a contact form on a website

The Importance Of Conversion Rate Optimisation 

In digital marketing, the conversion rate is the rate at which visitors to your site ‘convert’ into either paying customers or qualified leads. So, if your site had one hundred visitors, and six of them filled out the contact form requesting a call back, your site would have a conversion rate of 6%. 

Conversion rate optimisation refers to all the design changes you would make to your website to increase your conversion rate. Page headings, images and call to action buttons are all examples of things you might adjust to see the effect on your conversion rate. 

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Finding Relevant Keywords For Your Business  

Whether you are building an online ads campaign or optimising your website for search engines, you need to know which keywords you are targeting. Finding the right keywords can save you money on click costs and inform what content should be on your website. In this article we’re going to cover some simple techniques you can use to find relevant keywords and how you can use those keywords in your PPC and SEO campaigns

hands typing on a laptop with graphics overlaid

What Digital Marketing Includes In 2022

The past two years have seen a lot of upheaval, and people are living more of their lives online than ever before. This trend looks set to continue. With that in mind, it’s even more important for any business looking to succeed to have a well-managed online presence.   

Let’s take a look at current state of some of the online marketing channels available to businesses in 2022…  

laptop showing Google search home screen

How Google Search Is Changing And How It Impacts Your Website

At its latest event, Google’s Senior Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan showed off some of the new features that the company is bringing to its search engine in the coming months. With Google currently maintaining a 92% market share of the web’s search engine traffic, if your business has a website, you need to be paying close attention whenever Google makes changes that impact how users find you online.